Monday, April 28, 2014


Dear Family,
This week was a great week in Harrisonburg we have been blessed with so many great miracles.  I thank you so much for all that you have done for me and supporting me out here on a mission.  You are truly the greatest.  Thank you so much for all that you do for me on a daily bases.  I could not do the things that I have done out here on my mission and my life if it weren't for you in my life. This week we were able to set a lady on date her name is Marie Madden. We had tracted into her last week at just the right moment. She had been praying to know what her purpose was in life and why she was here on earth. As we taught her this week you can really see the spirit work in her life. She told us of when she tried to come to church last week she woke up and was not feeling good at all. She kept going though and said if the Lord wants me to be there I will get there. As she kept going her pain increased but she kept pushing. She told us that as soon as she got to church and walked in the building she was just fine. The pain was gone and she was so happy to be there. It is so great to be able to see her slowly changing. The hand of the Lord is definitely here in Harrisonburg and all through out this work. It has been such a great blessing to work as hard as you can day in and day out and see how loving and kind the Lord is to you. A hard thing that we have had to deal with this week is a lot of anti-mormon information. It has been really hard and challenging, but there is one moment that I want to share with you. We were in a lesson with this family and they were constantly bashing the church. I couldn't take it anymore. The spirit was not in the room. It was completely gone and there was no light only darkness. I didn't like this feeling at all. I simply stated what I believed in that I knew that Jesus Christ lives and that I believe in my Savior 100% and I know that this church has been established by Jesus Christ and God. The spirit was so strong I will forever remember that moment.  The power of the spirit is amazing.  It is one of the things in the gospel that I don't think we understand.  We should always strive to be under the constant influence of the spirit.  There is talk that I want to invite you all to read it's called, "Unleashing the Dormant Spirit"-by Elder Bushe.  This is such a powerful talk and helps us to know what it is we can do to be under the constant influence of the Spirit.  This work is so amazing I love it so much. I love my mission. I know that my Redeemer lives and that he loves each and everyone of us. I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God and that it was translated by the power of God. I love my Savior and I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.  I love you so much and thank you so much for all that you have done for me.  Have a great week.  If there is anything that I can do for you let me know.  With all my love and hugs and kisses from Virginia.

Elder Adams

That's weird...  Tell them I love them.
I'm doing great how are you?
Go to the temple.  Read the Scriptures.  Find a hobby:)
SAWEET!!!!!!  You are awesome.  Can I help you with anything?
I am not sure what ever I can do to help.  I'm not sure probably.  If you just set one up then I can probably do it.
Hey I got to get going.  I love you mom have a great week.  We will talk to you next week.  I love you so much!!!!!

Monday, April 21, 2014

"Because of Him"

Sorry about having my P-day backwards we were going to teach some people in the morning but those lessons fell through so then we decided to just go shopping.  I promise that I will write you but I can't promise that it will always be at the same time.  Elder Unga loves his water bottle.  Thank you so much for sending that out, also thank you so much for sending the package out.  I loved it especially the card it was the greatest thing to read.  Thank you so much for all that you do for me you are the best mom a missionary and a boy could ask for.  My Easter was great we had a lot of people show up to church and we had a great lesson in a members home with Hector Orsorio who is on date for May 10.  It was such a great blessing to be able to reflect on the Saviors resurrection.  Thank you for sending the video out but don't let it stop there share it all through out your weeks.  It is such a powerful message and it is so great to be able to be able to share the greatest moment in history with those we love.  When is Andy having missionaries come over and teach her?  Missionary work must be a part of our life at all times it is our duty to spread the gospel to all ends of the earth.  I know that if we will spread the gospel it will change not only the lives of those we share it with but also our life forever.  It sounds like you all have been working very hard to try and get everything done on this house.  Remember to take a break at some point and don't kill yourself!  The only reason I wasn't wearing my contacts was because I didn't have solution.  I kept forgetting to buy some.  Which by the way I am all out of my MSF (Missionary Survival Fund) So next week I am going to have to buy groceries on my home card...  I know this won't happen again I'm usually really good at not doing this but this month was crazy.  Sorry about that.
This week was another great week here in Harrisonburg.  The video, "Because of Him," was such a great tool that Elder Unga and I were able to use in our ear. A couple of weeks ago Elder Unga and I went to Subway and as we were about to go and get our food a guy asked if he could go before us. We said, "Yes." He then told us to get what we wanted he was going to buy us lunch we were shocked. After we got our food we sat down with him and began to talk to him about the church. He is Catholic and had had many friends that were mormon. We talked to him about family history and he was very interested. Then he invited us over to dinner this week. We went there and had dinner they were very nice and wanted to know all about the church. At the end dinner we asked if we could just show a short clip. We showed them the "Because of Him" clip and they loved it. When we got done with the dinner the guy that had asked us to dinner was so happy and thankful for us. As we walked out he gave us a hug and said I will see you soon at that family history center. It was such a great miracle. The best part was as we were sharing the spiritual thought I can do not remember saying anything that I had thought of before. The spirit was so strong in that lesson and they were so many amazing things occurring beyond the veil. Another great miracle that happened this week was when Elder Unga and I were tracting this week. It was Saturday and it was a hot day. As we knocked on this door it felt different. It didn't feel like another door. We knocked and a lady came out that was so sweet. As we talked to her she said that just before we had knocked on her door she had been praying to know her purpose and why she was here. We taught her the restoration and then invited her to church. She came to church the very next day excited and happy to be there. It was such a great miracle.  It has been another great week.  We also had a really cool opportunity where we got to go to a mosk.  It was an interesting experience to say the least.  The Muslim religion is very close to ours.  There have been so many great miracles.  I love my mission it is going so great.  I love every minute out here.  I know that this church is true and I know that my Savior lives.  I know that this work is done by the spirit and by no other thing or person.  The spirit is such an amazing tool that our Heavenly Father gives to us in our lives.  Are we using it to it's full potential?  Are we creating a life separate from the world so that we can feel the sweet promptings of the spirit rather than the loud noises of the world that tell us we are not good enough.  The Spirit is amazing I love it so much.  I invite you all to really ponder how you can separate your life from the world and consecrate you life to our Heavenly Father.  I love you all so much and especially you Mom and Dad you are so sweet and helpful.  I know that the family is central to our heavenly fathers plan.  I love my Savior and say these things in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.  With all my love and thanks from Virginia.

Elder Adams 

Monday, April 14, 2014

Happy Easter

Wow what another great week.  I was able to go on a lot of adventures I even got to cross a state border... We will talk about that latter.  It was so great to be able to see Devin and Arista after there sealing.  They look so happy it made my day to be able to see that:)  It sounds like you had a very busy week, and another one to come.  You guys are going super fast on that house.  You better not run dad into the dirt.  He still needs to be living!  That is so awesome about Devin going to California.  I'm way excited for you all.  Um in the Easter package I don't really know... Elder Unga is in need of a fifty/fifty bottle.  If you could hook him up with that he said that he would pay you back.  Thank you I don't want to be a burden so please let me know if I'm to much.  I am so excited for Easter.  There is a video that has been produced by the Church that is way awesome! The link is  Please share this with all friends and family!!!!!  This is very important that we flood the earth with the knowledge of our Savior who loves all of us.
So this week was another great week.  We have been meeting with this bible study group for another congregation.  We tracted into a member of the congregation who invited us to it and then we were able to find new investigators at the bible study.  They keep inviting us and telling us to come back.  It is so different to hear how other people look at the bible and what they believe.  Another amazing thing that happened was last night we had just got done with a bible study with that other congregation and were going to teach a lesson. We had a member with us and we were super stocked for this lesson. We knocked on her door but she wasn't home so we decided to go to our back up plans. We went to the first guys house but he also wasn't there. Then Elder Unga said, "We have three males we can go teach Susee." She is a single mother. As we taught her she was a little hesitant about the Book of Mormon and wasn't sure if it was for her. Having the member there helped so much. He was able to talk to her about his feelings as he first began meeting with the missionaries but soon came to understand that this message was from God. Members are so important in this work.  I think that it is awesome that Aiden is being baptized into the Episcapal Church it is a great example of his desire to follow Jesus Christ, but we need to get them in contact with missionaries.  Invite them over for dinner while you feed the missionaries slowly introduce them to the true gospel of Jesus Christ.  This church is the true church and it will bring them so much happiness and peace as they learn more about our Savior through the Book of Mormon.  Please be bold in the work of Salvation we must do as D&C 123:13.  We must bring to light all the hidden things of darkness.  I promise that if you will invite them to meet with the missionaries that you will find so much peace and happiness because you are doing what us as members are called to do.  You will find so much joy inviting others to come to Christ.  I know these things to be true I have the blessed opportunity to be able to do this all day every day and no matter what the persons response is, yes it may be rude and hurt only for a second, but then you feel the love of your Savior standing by you and supporting you.  I know these things to be true.  Always be anxiously engaged in a good cause always striving to be about doing the Fathers work here on earth.  I love you and hope that everything is going great.  You are such a blessing in my life to help me become the man that I am today.  I thank you for all that you have given me and all the opportunities that you have given me to grow and develop.  I love you so much.  I know that this church is true and I know that my Savior loves me.  I know with all my heart that the Book of Mormon is the word of God and that it is through the Book of Mormon and all Scripture that our Heavenly Father can lead us and guide us to where and whom we need to become.  I love you so much and I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ,  Amen.  I love you guys have a great week.  I will try to work on scype but it might just be another normal call this time.  O and one other thing.  Our mission is having a mission conference on May 3.  Super excited because David A. Bednar is going to be the presiding authority.  I'm way excited about that!  Well I love you all have a great week.  With all my love from Virginia.

Elder Adams 

P.S about going to another state.  So I was able to go on an exchange with another elder to Franklin West Virginia.  It was sweet.  A whole lot different but sweet!!!

Monday, April 7, 2014

General Conference

By the way as part of the new missionary dress standards, we arn't suppose to wear back packs.  Is it ok that I go and buy a side bag?  I will try to find the cheapest one.
no 4:30  my time.  that should be more than enough thank you:)
Yes mam.  On until about 4:30
Yes I did thank you.  How are you doing? Spring break eh?

It sounds like you all had an amazing week.  I am so happy for Arista and Devin.  That makes me so excited!!!  It is the greatest to see people go to the temple.  Man I can't wait for our entire family to go through the temple together that will be the greatest day ever!!  You will have to send me pictures of the Wednesday festivities. That sounds like a lot of fun going camping in the snow and rain.  Isn't it suppose to be spring by now?  O wait sorry my bad it's Utah.  Virginia is starting to come alive.  The trees are starting to bloom and all the birds are coming out in the mornings.  Elder Unga and I can start to go running in the mornings.  We go run sprints up this hill that is next to out apartment.  I did get your package this week thank you so much.  The butter was well used on a box of mac and cheese.  Amazing that is for sure.  I do not e-mail in a library.  Our church building has a family history center where we can e-mail so that is a huge blessing.  Tell Arista that I say hello.  She is amazing.  Tell her that she is doing such an amazing job and to always attend the temple.  It sounds like you had a lot of fun at the pie.  That pizza looks amazing Elder Unga and I were like dang that looks way good!  Just some fun news that's in my world.  We are having a quorum of the twelve and general authority visit on May 3.  I am so excited it's going to be sweet!!!  Please don't be worried about me.  I am doing great!! Mission life is the greatest!! You always have the lord watching out for you.  You never have to fear and you are always happy as long as you are obedient and follow the promptings of the spirit.  It's really a simple thing but it is so amazing.  
This week was such a great week of miracles.  There are just two of them that I would like to share really quick. One of them is a continuation of the last weeks e-mail. We went to the bible study last Sunday and it went great! We got a couples name address and phone number. Last night we were about ready to go home and a prompting came to me to go visit them. Elder Unga was driving and so I told him we needed to go and visit them. We knocked on there door and they answered and were so happy to see us. They invited us in but we didn't have much time so we just set up a return appointment. They were so kind and insisted that we come to eat before we teach them. Then here comes the best part. The wife said, "Is there anything that we should read or do before you come on Thursday?" We gave her a Restoration pamphlet then she said, "Do you want us to read anything in the Book of Mormon?" We had never given her a Book of Mormon yet. She actually had a friend in college that had introduced her to the Church before and had given her a Book of Mormon it is crazy how people are prepared. Another great miracle happened right in the middle of Conference sessions. We had an appointment with one gentleman but that fell through. We decided that we would just knock some doors in that apartment complex. It was amazing we knocked on a few doors with no answer and then James answered. He has just barely moved from Africa and is Catholic. We instantly just started testifying at the door and he let us in. After we got done teaching him we asked him what he felt. He said, "I know that this is truth."  That experience was so amazing I know that this church is true.
I loved Conference this week.  Holly cow can you say the Second Coming is coming.  I'm not calling anything but there was that theme in a lot of the talks.  Crazy!!!  Another thing that really stood out to me in Conference was all the talks on Courage and standing up for what you know is right.  This I know is something that we can all work on.  Whether it is being a missionary and standing for what you know is the truth on a door step, or if it's at work when some one says something that is inappropriate standing up and saying please don't say that.  It is always the hardest thing to do but I know that when we stand for what is right we never stand alone.  We may have friends help us and stand with us but if not I know that we will have our Savior and his legions of angels baring us up on our right and on our left.  There is an unspeakable power behind those that choose the right.  I have been able to feel this on my mission.  Please stand for what you know is right even when it's hard.  This is the truth this is the only thing that will get us back to our Heavenly Father.  If you need a second witness.  Listen to Elder Hollands talk again and tell me this is not true.  I know that this church is true with all my heart and I know that my Savior lives and that he loves all of us.  I know that each and everyone of us is a loved son and daughter of our Heavenly Father.  I know that the Restoration of the gospel did take place through a boy at the age of fourteen in a grove of trees.  I know these things to be absolute truths that will never change.  I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.  I love you all and hope that you have a great week.  You are all amazing you are in my prayers.  I love you mom and hope that everything is going great! Always smile.  With all love, hugs and kisses from Virginia.

Elder Adams

BYU.  I'm sorry I love you.
We are leaving have a great week love you bye.