Monday, March 17, 2014

Happy St. Patrick's Day

I'm on sorry it took so long today.  we did our p-day backwards today.

It's totally fine that I didn't hear from you last week.  You just had me worried there for a little bit.  I didn't get a letter from anyone so I thought something might be wrong.  It's ok though don't worry about it.  Hey if it happens again I understand.  Well it sounds like you have had a very eventful week...Weeks.  That is crazy about the house holly cow it's crazy to think that you are in a completely different house that I have never seen in my life.  Wow!  So I'm not sure what the update is on Devin and Arista I guess everything went well.... Please let me know how that is going.  I have been praying for them extra hard.  I really want to see them be able to go through the temple and make those sacred covenants with our Savior Jesus Christ.  I did get the sandbergs package so tell them thank you.  I will try to write them a hand written letter but it's kinda tough to write letters.  I'm always so busy.  There is never a dull moment out here on a mission we are constantly going trying to do everything we can to do the will of the Lord.  It's crazy.  It's my goal by the end of my mission to be dead.  I don't want to leave behind anything out here.  I want my mission to be a time that I remember of working my hardest and giving everything that I have to the Lord.  It's such a blessing to be able to be out here on a mission and to be able to put on the white shirt and the black name tag.  I love it out here.  I may not have told you this but we got a senior couple in our district.  They are from Salem Utah.  There names are the Chrsitensens.  They are so awesome.  They came out here to work hard and it is great to see all the success they are having.
Brian Shamala is still set for baptism.  We have him set for April 19 but that could change we don't know.  His mom is having a baby and she wants to be there for the baptism.  Brian is so amazing he is such a humble person.  He is so in-tune with the spirit and is constantly trying to be the best that he can be.  It is such a blessing to be able to teach him but really it's like he is teaching us.  He is so amazing.  The Lord really does prepare people to be taught.  Brian did not just wake up one day and decide that he was going to be taught by the missionaries it was done through small and simple things of his life.  I love Brian Shamala.
The Beasley Family is doing great.  They are all set up for a temple trip this Saturday to go and see the visitors center.  It was also such a blessing to see and to still see the hand of the Lord in there life.  They have made a complete 180 degree turn and are eager to feast upon the words of Christ. 
The reason why I tell you about these two people/families is because out here on a mission I have learned that it all comes down to having the spirit or not.  Us as missionaries if we just teach with out the spirit there will be no progression but as soon as we invite the spirit into the room and create an atmosphere to have the spirit testify people are changed.  It's the same way in our life.  We can go about day to day doing Mormon things(Reading scriptures, paying tithing, praying, etc.)  But until we invite the spirits into our life there is no progression we will just be going through the motions.  I know these things to be true.  I know that the power of the spirit is so amazing.  We are so blessed to be able to have the third member of the God head with us as a constant companion.  I know that this church is true and I know that my Savior loves me and that he cares for me.  I know with all my heart that if we are obedient to the laws and covenants that the Lord has given us we will be blessed beyond what we can dream of.  I love my Savior and I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.
I hope that you all have a great week and that you always remember to serve the Lord in his vineyard.  I love you all if there is anything that I can do for you please let me know.  With lots of Love from Virginia.

Elder Adams

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