Monday, June 15, 2015


I'm on
It means that if you sign me up for credits that would show me you love me. Elder wray is a new comp I'm in a trio right now. With Elder Olsen.
Of course I do!  And no our mission won't do that tell August or September.
Sweet!  How are you doing?
Hahahaha it's even hotter here
91 that feels like 97 and it's only 12
I will be going golfing this fine pday 
Real golf!  The whole shabang.  Pretty sweet huh!
Contacts should be good.  Solution sure!

This week has been a great week we have been super blessed with so many great things.  We were able to help a lot of missionaries this week with exchanges.  It is such a blessing to be in the service of your fellow beings.  Thank you so much for doing my uvu stuff.  I'm sorry that I had to add to your already busy week with all of Devin's stuff as well.  It sounds like you had a really fun week though. Mad I'm sitting here it seems like just yesterday I was writing you last week.  Hmm crazy how fast time flies.  I will have to send you the picture of Perla at her baptism.  It sounds like the summer is fun for you!
Everyday we are able to find a person that is seeking the truth but doesn't know where to find it. There are so many blessing and miracles around every corner if we look for them and see them for what they are we will always feel the love of a loving Heavenly Father. On exchanges this week I had on of the most amazing miracles happen. Elder White and I were out finding and we walked up to this lady on the porch. I thought to myself that this lady probably won't want to talk but let's try it anyway. (I know, "really Elder Adams where is your faith?"). Anyway we started talking to her and she slowly began to open up to the idea of religion and finding peace in her life. We were just sitting there and Elder White being moved upon by the spirit talked about the plan of salvation. He gave her a brief over view and this lady just broke down. She had been going through so much in her life is with people dying and her husband get altimers. She didn't know where or what to do to find peace, she said that lately she doesn't want to come home after work. We testified with all our hearts that she would find happiness through Jesus Christ and his gospel. Her countenance changed and she now wants to be baptized on July the 7th. I love this gospel President with all my heart! There is no doubt in my mind that we are called by God. I know that the Lord invests in us his power to do His work. I love my savior with all my heart. I know that he lives and that he loves each and everyone of his children. I know that it is through his atonement that we can be forgiven of sin. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen!
This morning my companions and I were talking about miracles.  I think that as members of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints we should expect miracles and recognize them when they happen.  We are members of God's true church here on this earth we have the opportunity to be able to see miracles on a daily bases.  How can we do this?  We live in the presence of the Holy Ghost!  As a baptized member we can have the spirit as our constant companion.  This means that God is will to guide us in ALL that we do.  Are we a blank slate actively waiting for when the Lord calls we act?  I know that as we strive to live in he presence of the Holy Ghost that it is then when we can build up his kingdom.  I know that we will see miracles big and small that will be as Peter walking on the water.  I know that it is through His power that these things are done.  I love my savior and I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Hope the rest of this week goes great.  I love you and thank you so much for all that you do.  You are an amazing mom!  The best mom of the west and the whole wide world!  I love you so so so much!  I will be sending you a copy of my goals here soon.  I would love for you to look them over with Dad and keep me accountable to them.  Thank you love you!  Have a great week.  With all my love from Virginia.

Elder Adams

Hahaha yeah?  Well I got to go!  Thanks for all you do again.  I love you and hope that your week is great.  With all my love!  Mwah

Elder Adams

                                                                     She is 27.

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