This is my pledge and my goals for the rest of my life. These goals are based off of principles that I have learned while on my mission. They are subject to change, I will review them every month on fast Sunday to adjust them. The vision of this plan is for me to be a successful kingdom builder after my mission, obtaining the choicest blessings and at the end of my life entering into the celestial kingdom to live with my Father in Heaven forever.
It is not enough to JUST live the commandments. To be a true disciple of Christ you must constantly be striving for more. Learning daily, being a little better taking on more responsibility till eventually you become like Him.
Have I consecrated my life yet? Set yourself apart!!!
Duty to God- 1) Helping members live the gospel of Jesus Christ (Reach out to the one)
a) Be the one the Lord can count on when ever someone needs someone to talk to. When they are crying out but no one will listen, finding my joy in helping others.
b) Always be the one that helps recent convert members (go to lessons, invite to dinner, become friends with them etc.)
c) 100% home teaching. Not just visiting once a month but become their friend and always checking in.
2) Gathering Israel through missionary work
a) find, teach, baptize, retain and reclaim - Focus on making every moment a missionary moment
b) give someone to the missionaries quarterly to be taught
3) Caring for the poor and needy (Mosiah 4:26-27)
a) Give 2 hours of non-church related service
b) Give a generous fast offering
4) Enabling the salvation of the dead by building temples and performing vicarious ordinances.
a) Attend the temple weekly for at least an hour
b) Index and work on personal family history for a hour a week
Physically strong- 1) Exercise Dailey for an hour a day. (6:30-7:30)
2) Eat a healthy well balanced diet.
Mentally awake- 1) Full schedule (18 credits or more) graduate in 3 years.
2) Get a 4.0 every semester through out college.
3) finish a book every three months
Morally straight- 1) Study the Book of Mormon daily and Preach My Gospel
2) Go to as many revelatory experiences as possible (fireside, devotionals, sacrament, lessons, Baptisms etc.)
a) Attend all three hours of church every week
3) Have a third party audit all electronic devices in my possession every Sunday.
The Scout Law- I will focus on an attribute a month from the Scout Law. I will take ____ min of my study to learn more about this attribute. I will then set a weekly goal on how I will apply the attribute into my life that day. How do these attributes apply to the three great attributes of FAITH, HOPE, and CHARITY (my relationship with God, others, and myself).l
Study (No later than 8:00 a.m.)
Read- Sequential Order (6 months after my mission)
Study-1) The Atonement - Baptism & Sacrament
2) The prophet Joseph Smith
3) Book of Mormon
4) Church organization & history
5) Temple - Ordinances & Covenants
6) Priesthood
Seek- Look for patterns and connections
Weekly Self Check
Are my actions showing those around me and the Lord an example of obedience?
Are those that I spend my time with inspiring me to be a worthy priesthood hold and achieve goals that will make me stretch?
Do I search the scriptures regularly?
Do I kneel in prayer to talk with your Heavenly Father each morning and each night?
Do I fast and donate a fast offering each month--even if I am poor, struggling student who can’t afford to donate much?
Do I think deeply about the Savior and His atoning sacrifice for me when I am asked to prepare, bless, pass, or partake of the sacrament?
Do I attend my meetings and strive to keep the Sabbath day holy?
Am I honest at home, school, church, and work?
Am I mentally and spiritually clean? Do I avoid viewing pornography or looking at websites, magazines, movies, or apps, including Tinder and Snapchat photos, that would embarrass me if my parents, Church leaders, or the Savior Himself saw me?
Am I careful with my time--avoiding inappropriate technology and social media, including video games, which can dull my spiritual sensitivity?
Am I living a life that allows me to have the spirit to be with me always?
Is my current offering as a Latter-day Saint sufficient to inherit eternal life?
Is there anything in my life I need to change and fix, beginning tonight?
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