Monday, July 13, 2015

Happy 4th of July!

Hey I'm on!
So I'm down for that job.. I figure it would be a good thing to do just to keep me busy. 
It sounds like you have had a super crazy week.  Thanks for doing all that stuff I owe you all a lot!
Yes I did thank you for that!
No it's totally fine.  The package was on point!  Loved that so much!  You are the greatest mom ever!
I am I can email during the day.  

This week was a great week.  Lots of great things happened.  It sounds like you have had a lot of stuff going on.  Thank you again for being willing to do all the things with school and those things.  I'm sorry that this week was so tuff for you.  You have the right attitude with it's a moment for you to prove yourself to God.  What are you going to do for your job now?  Are you still going to work?  California sounds like it was a lot of fun!  
Sorry that this e-mail is so short.  Today was a super busy day with lots of stuff going on.  We are starting to have all of our area book on our iPads so that anyone can access them at any time.  It's pretty crazy!  We are making history out here it's really sweet.
There's a few things that I forgot to put in my goals one of the ones that involves you and dad is I would really like to have family night.  I've seen the blessings from following the council of the prophet and I want to keep doing that as much as possible.  I promise I'm going to try my best to not be crazy when I come home.  I just don't want to loose the things that I've learned on my mission.  I hope that you have a great week and that this week will be a better week.  I will be praying for you. 
This week was great! Elder Walton and I were out last night finding with each other while Elder Wray was with a member. We were walking down the street and we helped this guy get into his apartment complex. As we were holding the door for him Elder Walton said that we needed to go and tract in there. The first door we knock on a guy opens and he instantly lets us in. We teach him a short powerful restoration and he loves it! He will be reading the Book of Mormon and meeting with us Wednesday but then it gets better he accepts a baptismal date for August 1! We knock a few more doors and meet a lady who we teach a short powerful restoration to and she accepts baptism as well. The greatest thing was that all of these people clearly understood the restoration. Teaching simply and powerfully is amazing. It truly is the Lords way. I love you and thank you for all that you do have a great week. I know that this church is true and that my Savior Jesus Christ lives. I know that he is the Christ. He was the one sent to die for us so that we could return back to Fathers presence. I know with all my heart that the gospel of Jesus christ is the base of all truth. I know these things and I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. 

With all my love from Virginia 
Elder Adams

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