Tuesday, October 15, 2013


Holly cow it's crazy to think that my childhood house just sold. Man that is so cool though.  Things happen if we just are patient.  Our Heavenly Father truly does bless us.  You will have to send me pictures of the house every week to show me all of the progress that is happening.  The color of scarf that I would like would have to be a black one.  Thank you.  There are really no requests for the Halloween package.  I don't really care what I get, some gummy snakes would be nice I like those ones;)  Thank you for all that you do for me.  One investigator that you could pray for is Fred Wheeler.  He honestly is like Grandpa.  He is in the same situation and every thing as him.  We had a lesson with him last night and the spirit was so strong there it brought me and him both to tears.  He is going to begin to read the Book of Mormon.  It is so great to be working with him.  I never thought that I could love someone so much that I have only talked with a couple of times.  This work is so great.  As you know this week was transfers.  I got a new companion and he is brand new out of the MTC yes that means that I am a trainer.  It's so scary to think that I am teaching someone when I have only been out here for three months.  It's crazy.  I can't let fear get in my way though.  The first couple of days I did and I was a nut case.  When I finally told myself that my Heavenly Father obviously knows that I can train and that I can do this I started to relax.  I have to put more and more trust in my Heavenly Father each and every day and it is such a blessing.  I love this work so much how ever hard it may get or what not I still and will always remember that Jesus Christ lives that he loves me and will always walk by my side as long as I am trying to live the way he would have me live.  I love my Savior.  This week as been really weird.  We had a constant mist of rain all week long.  It was pretty nice but I never was able to dry out.  It was crazy.  Virginia is so beautiful when it's raining and the leaves are changing.  There are times when I think that I am in a post card or something.  It is so great.  The work is going great here I am loving it in Virginia.  Thank you for all that you do and have done for me.  It truly does help a lot when you have been raised the way that I was raised to be out here on my own.  Thank you.  This week I would like to invite you to do one thing that has been a blessing to me out here in the mission field.  When you say your nightly prayers go through an account of you day.  Talk about all of the things that you did that day.  Thank your Heavenly Father for all of the experiences you had.  Ask him to bless those that you came in contact with that day.  As I have done this I have noticed that my prayers are not repeated.  They are heart felt and I feel that I am really talking to my Heavenly Father.  It has been such a blessing in my life and hope that it can do the same for you.  I know that my redeemer lives and that he loves all of us.  He wants the best for us and he gives us trials to become blessing in our lives.  I love this work and am so greatful for the opportunity that I have to been on a mission and to serve him for two years.  I love and thank you for all that you do.  Hugs and kisses from Virginia.  Have a great week you are in my prayers.

Elder Adams

                                                         Me and my Companion

                                             It's a happy day when it's rainy outside!

                            The low country boil at the Alders house.  Can you say Yummy!

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