Monday, September 30, 2013

New Addition to the Family

Dang that sounds like a pretty crazy week.  You will have to send me a picture of the dog.  That's way awesome though.  The house looks like it's going to be really small.  We were able to listen to a little bit of the Relief Society broadcast.  That was Saturday night and Saturday the 28 Virginia has a day of service.  So we decided to go and help out the Elders quorum in serving dinner to the Relief Society.  We didn't get to serve but we ended up washing a ton of dishes.  It was great.  We heard half of one talk and then we had to go home because it was getting late.  Conference is going to be weird out here Priesthood doesn't get over tell 10.  Crazy with the time difference but I am so excited this is going to be the best conference ever!!!  Good luck on cooking for 50 people.  You will have to tell me all that you make and tell me how it turns out.  Yes I got the card that you sent thank you and tell Cali Grandma thank you.
Last night a member had us over and we had a Country low broil.  This is amazing I will send you pictures.  It had Alaskan king Crab and Snow Crab, Shrimp, Sausage, Corn, Potatoes, and Scallops.  It was so good!
This week was a pretty weird week.  Sense my companion went home last week I was paired up with the zone leaders.  We covered both of our areas so we were running all over the place.  We had a really cool experience teaching a guy named Tim.  His baptism is set for this Saturday right before conference.  Anyway we were going about our week and we got a text from Tim that said we couldn't come visit him because he was having some back troubles and he could barley walk.   We asked him if he wanted a priesthood blessing and he said that he had no idea what that was.  We asked him if we could then come over and teach him for like 10 min and then give him a blessing.  He accepted and let us come over.  We taught him about the priesthood and what it was all about.  He was very fascinated about the fact the he would be able to help people even more when he got the priesthood.  We then asked him if he would like a priesthood blessing.  He accepted.  Elder Collie gave the blessing and at the end of it we asked Tim how he was feeling.  This was his response, "Have you ever sat in a pool and felt all of the pressure come off of ever joint? That is what I feel like right now."  The power of the priesthood is so amazing.  If we put our faith in the healing powers of the atonement there is no doubt in my mind that we can be changed/healed.  I love this gospel it is so amazing.  It's moments like that on your mission that you could really careless how hard it gets because those moments are so rewarding.  It is such a great blessing to be out here on a mission I love it.  This week has been hard but it has been such a great learning experience for me.  Everyday I have to learn to put my trust in my Savior just a little bit more.  I do things everyday that I never thought I would have the courage to do but some how, by the grace of Jesus Christ, it is possible for me to do everything that the Lord commands me to do.  It is so amazing to see the power of the atonement so evident in your life.  I love my mission no matter how hard it will get it is great!  Well I hope that all is going well.  Thank you so much for all of the prayers I truly do feel them.  Thank you so much for all that you do for me especially you mom.  I love you so much and thank you for everything that you have done for me in my life.  I love you with all my heart and hope that everything is ok.  Remember to go into conference with a question on your mind.  The Lord will answer it as long as we are ready and willing to receive it.  I love you.  Hugs and Kisses from Virginia. XOXOoxoxXOOXOXOxoOXOXoXoXXOOXoXoXoXOOXOXoXO

Elder Adams

O that wont be that bad.  And I am not sure I don't want to seem like I am whining. 
ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm  you really learn to not lean on your own understanding of the gospel.  It's hard to not think that you don't already know how to teach and stuff like that.  Once you get out here it's a lot different than a sunday school class.  You have someones life that is torn apart by drugs or other things and you have to help them.  It's hard to really know what to do and how to do it.
I know it's just sometimes discouraging when people don't listen but I just gotta do what I gotta do that's all.
most definitely and that is what I am trying to learn.  Thank you love you I got to go bye.
 cool bro.  Um so I think I have allergies out here and allergy medication is super expensive... Is it ok that I use my card to buy it?  My MSF account is almost out because there was five shopping days in this month.

Yeah.  I've been taking suda and C and multi but haven't really seen a change.  I've talked to ward members and they've told me that here in Virginia you just take Alergy medication just because you never know what you are going to be allergic to and it's year round stuff.
ok well I think I am going to get this stuff at walgreens it's $50 for 150 tablets and they last 24 hours is that good?

Monday, September 23, 2013

The lessons you learn on a mission

cool.  How are you guys doing?

This week was a pretty interesting week.  I am not sure how to start this e-mail but here it goes.  Transfers was three weeks ago and I was able to be blessed with a00 new companion.  Before the meeting President Wilson pulled me and my room mates over and talked to us about my new companion.  He said that my new companion was having a hard time out on his mission and that he needed some Elders to help him out this transfer.  All through out this transfer he was struggling with depression and couldn't seem to get motivated.  Last P-day he said if things don't change that he was going to go home.  I never thought the day would come but on Saturday Morning my companion left.  I do not tell you this story to ask for sympathy or anything like that.  The reason why I tell you about this is because of the lessons that I have learned this week about my Savior Jesus Christ.  The First lesson is that he loves us.  Now I already new this but my testimony has been strengthened.  As my companion was leaving our Heavenly Father blessed me with the opportunity to feel just a portion of the love that he has for his children.  It was over whelming.  I had only known my companion for about three weeks but there wasn't anything that I wouldn't do for him.  Our Savior loves us so much that he bled and died for us on the cross.  He endured so much just so we as follower of Him would have a way to get back to our Heavenly Father.  He truly does love us.  Another lesson that I learned is that He has a plan for us.  As I was preparing for my mission I thought that it would be a completely different experience.  I knew that there would be trials and hard times but man these last three weeks have been the most hard as well as the most blessed times of my life.  We might think that we know what is best for us, we might say I know exactly what the Lord wants for me, and you very well could know.  Always remember though that he has a plan do not fight against the will of God because you will never win.  Try to figure out his will.  When we follow his will and keep his commandments that is when we will be truly blessed.  It's not that life will become easy all of a sudden but we will have the strength to over come any trial that is in our way.  The power that is within our Saviors atonement is incredible.  No matter how much is placed upon or shoulders we are able to bare it because of the atonement.  There is no doubt in my mind that our Savior Jesus Christ walks right next to us.  As missionaries it is such a privilege and blessing to have weaknesses because as it teaches in Ether 12:27,  He gives us weaknesses so that we can humble ourselves and rely on his grace to strengthen us.  I love my Savior Jesus Christ.  No matter how crazy this week got or how over whelmed I felt my Savior was always there for me.  At the roughest times he truly did carry me through the storm.  This is my testimony and I leave it with you in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.

I hope all is going well in Utah.  General Conference is coming up fast.  I invite you guys to think of a question that you would like answered and in conference and I can promise you that it will be answered.  The answer may not be right on the surface but there will be the answer.  This gospel is so amazing I love the work out here.  Even though it is tough and discouraging at times and you feel your Saviors love for those around you and for you so strongly out here.  He really does love us so much don't let anything or anyone convince you other wise.

About the winter clothes I would really like it if you could send my Nike soccer gray jacket the one that I got just last soccer season for high school that would be much appreciated.  The weather out here is getting colder and it's so awesome.  I am loving it.  The leaves are changing color too.  I'm way excited.  Thank you for all of your support and prayers I love you all so much.  Keep strong in the Gospel and know that he loves you!

Elder Adams

I am just comps with my room mates so the zone leaders.  It's Elder Collie and Elder Gronning.  Elder Collie is from Cali and Elder Gronning is from Vegas.

                                                                        My Desk

                                                         Fires with the room mates PARTY!!!

That's Elder Collie.  No only about 60 we have a kid from vegas though.
Well I got to go. Bye hope all is well I love you and will talk to you next week bye!!!

Monday, September 16, 2013


I honestly have no idea look in the car and in my room or idk.  Just look they are there some where.
no I don't think so.  Check in the boxes that I packed. or the car its self.

Wow it sound like another crazy week in Utah.  I heard from some members out here that it is raining like crazy out there.  It feels like fall has finally come here in Virginia.  On Thursday we had record temperatures it was 104 degrees with 100% humidity.  It was so hot it was crazy!!!  Other then that this week was great.  Thank you for the birthday presents.  They made my day.  The package came on my birthday right after district meeting so that made me super happy!  I opened it up and started taking everything out and was super stocked.  Elder Collie has a rule that if it's your birthday you can't make your own cake so he made my cake for me.  He such a great guy I love him.  The cake was delicious.  The Scriptures are freaking awesome.  It's super hard to study in them because there blank but it's so much fun because you get to learn all sorts of new things that you had never before seen.  My birthday was awesome.  O yeah at the end of the night all of my room mates gave me a card and they made me a murky swamp.  It's this drink that Elder Collie and his brothers make.  You take a glass of Coke and you put ready whip into it and mix it all up.  BAM! Murky swamp and it is sure delicious!!! Dad you should try this one probably the most delicious thing ever.  We didn't go anywhere for my birthday dinner.  We had a member dinner lined up but then it fell through so me and my companion went back to our house and made chicken and pasta man it was so good.  I will send pictures of all the celebrations.  A really cool miracle happened this week.  We had a challenge issued by our mission president to find as many new investigators in the mission.  What ever companionship had the most won and got to spend an evening teaching with the President.  The Zone Leaders came out with us on Monday night to tract with us.  We were super pumped so we decided to go to a place where we had not tracted yet.  We ended up in this apartment complex that is pretty beat up.  We just started pounding the pavement.  It was getting close to the end of the night and we were all about ready to turn in.  I went up to this door and knocked on it.  The guy yelled from inside, "Who is it?" I said back, "It's the missionaries!"  He yelled back "Go away!"  I started to wake away and was like well I guess it's just another one of those doors.  I heard the door begin to open behind me and so I turned around.  The guy said, "O wow you really are a missionary.  Come on in."  Me and Elder Collie were the closest ones to the door so we went in.  We had knocked at just the right time.  They were having some family problems.  Me and Elder Collie taught them the gospel and how it can bless there families and how they can be together forever.  It was amazing.  We set them for baptism on October 12.  It was definitely a miracle that is for sure.  I loved it so much.  THIS CHURCH IS SO TRUE!!!!!  That was probably one of the greatest things ever to happen to me out here on my mission.  About the question of cutting my own hair.  I have Elder Collie do it he's pretty good and we are so busy out here that we don't have time to go to a place.  In closing I would just like to share with you one thing that I learned this week.  It is so important that we get ride of our pride and what we want to do and let the lord lead and guide us through the trials of life.  We can fight against the will of the Lord but we are fighting a loosing battle.  There is not a choice of obedience or not being obedient it's choosing if you are going to be obedient to the adversary or obedient to our advocate.  Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer and I love him with all of my heart.  This church is so true.  Thank you for all that you do and all that you will continue to do in my life.  I love you all and hope that all is going well.  Hugs and kisses from Virginia.  I love you all!!!!

UM is that even a question????!!!!!! YES!!! He's great I love him.  His name is Elder Hansen and he's from Smithfield utah up by logan.

Yeah I know he doesn't know any of them.  PLEASE NEVER CALL THE MISSION OFFICE UNLESS SOMEONE IS DEAD OR DYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hahaha um... YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  hey Kierra Jackman wants to read the blog.  How is book of mormon reading going haven't heard anything.

Well got to go bye mom love you thank you again for the birth day gifts it was great!!!!

                                                                         My companion is in the back ground

                                                                                                      Lite Up

                                                                                               Birthday Cake!!!

                                                                               Found a street with our name.

                                                           Birthday Breakfast.  Eggs, Toast, Grapefruit, Figs.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Happy Birthday!

Thank you for writing me this week.  It's completely fine that you say the things you do.  It makes me feel like I'm still part of your life.  I know that life isn't sugar coated all the time so if you are 100% positive I know that you are lying and that your full of it.  This week was a pretty great week in the mission field.  Me and my companion got straight to work doing all we could to fulfill the goals that we set for the week.  We work hard all day everyday making sure that we did all we could to further the work in this area and we saw blessings all through out the week.  We were able to receive two referrals.  Now this doesn't seem like a very big thing to most people but it is.  These past six weeks that I have been in this area we haven't received any! Any way these referrals were great because we were able to contact both of them and both of them were interested in hearing the gospel.  If that is not a tender mercy then I don't know what is.  Another great thing that happened this week was we were able to bless the lives of the less actives in this ward.  There is a family named the Plucinicks.  They haven't been to active and the father has been excommunicated.  We got the okay from the bishop to begin teaching him.  We have seen so many improvements in there lifes.  Sarah and Steven, the children,  are getting meetings with the bishop and starting back to activity and Steven wants to serve a mission!!!! Lisa is beginning to re-build her testimony of the gospel and Kevin is really trying to over come some personal trials so that he can be re-baptized.  It's great to see the work moving along.  This week as I was working with the less-actives I had a very profound thought.  It doesn't matter if I baptize out here on my mission.  As long as I am inviting others to come unto Christ I am fulfilling my purpose.  A reactivation is just as good as a baptism.  It's great.  Crazy thing me and my companion taught a homeless guy named Chris that lives in the woods.  He says he's seen us everywhere... Scary but he was pretty cool.  This week was great though I love serving the Lord everyday.  Our Mission President for September is doing this thing called Sacrifice September.  I encourage you all back home to do this.  It's a great way to show our love to our Heavenly Father if we Sacrifice all the things of the world for our Heavenly Father.  Just as it teaches in Matthew 16:24-27.  Deny yourself of ALL un-godliness.  I know that we will all be blessed as we sacrifice our worldly lusts for the things that are of eternal worth such as family or scripture study.  By the way how is that going? How is reading the Book of Mormon you have to be almost through it now right?  I know that this church is true I know that my Redeemer lives and that he loves me and walks by me each and everyday out here.  This work is true and the will of the Lord is being carried out through the entire world.  I Love you all I really do.  I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.  I'm going to try to send more pictures each week so that you can see all the fun I'm having. haha fun that's what this is it's not work or a burden it really is fun.  O on a sad note our investigator Shakitha that was suppose to be baptized on September 21 dropped us.  It's ok though we are going to find so many people to teach that it won't matter the Lord has a plan for her and everything will work out.  It's pretty crazy thinking I'm turning 19 on my mission.  Never thought that would happen but it's here.  I'll tell you all about my birthday next week.  Love you all.  Kisses and Huges from Virginia.  Love you all.  Don't let contention get between you and Dad make sure that you are united.  Satan is the Father of contention, Love your companion always even when things arn't going right.  Mwah

Elder Adams 

yes mam,  OOOPS sorry i forgot to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY this week too!!! what are you like 50?
OOOOOO man that is a rough one hahaha just kidding

That's pretty cool.  Now that you a grave doesn't mean that you can just start getting old.  Thanks mom for that compliment that you gave me at the end of your E-mail it really means a lot I love you. BEST MOM EVER!!!!
Well I got to go see you next week love you all Mwah!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Happy Labor Day!

Well I have officially made it through the first transfer of my mission.  And I am now in.... drum roll please... Colonial Heights Virginia.  The same place that I was before!!!  I am super excited for that.  Even though the area is hard it gives me a challenge each and every day.  I did get a new companion.  His name is Elder Hansen.  He played football for Snow College right before he left on his mission and hopes to be able to play when he gets back for Utah State.  He plays line backer.  He is a great guy and super humble I can't wait to get to work with him in this area.  We are going to have a baptism here on September 21.  I am really excited for that.  Her name is Shakitha Cowert.  She is a single mother with two kids.  The two kids have been out of town for the summer in Mississippi so I am not sure if they will be baptized with mom but for sure shortly after her.  O yeah I forgot to tell you like 4 weeks ago I wrecked on my bike.  It was pretty sweet.  I didn't get hurt at all.  Just thought I would let you know one down many to go;)  I have a new favorite fruit that I found out here.  It's called a fig yes a fig.  They are way good.  There is an older couple that has a fig tree and they are getting ripe right now so they gave us a bag and I try to eat at least one a day.  All my house mates make fun of me and think they are super nasty but I like them a lot.  Virginia has been super hot this week.  We sweet like pigs out here.  Hopefully this week will be a little bit better.  Last week you asked me what I wanted for my birthday.  I was thinking about it and I want a new pair of scriptures.  I can't remember who said it but an apostle said anytime that you make a big change in your life you should get a new set of scriptures.  I think a mission is a pretty big change...  That's all I really want though there's not a lot of stuff a missionary needs.  I don't have a lot to talk about this week because last week we had a bunch of meeting that took up most of the week.  Hopefully this week will be better and I will have some sweet stories to tell you guys.  That's pretty awesome how you are moving you will have to send me pictures of what the house looks like as it is being built.  I hope all is going well at home and every one is doing ok.  As I thought about a message that I could share with you guys this week I thought of the thing that I learned these past couple of weeks.  The lesson that I have learned probably the most is to slow down.  Now this may seem simple but it is such a blessing.  I am trying to slow down and look of my Savior in all things and it is a blessing.  You see so many great things that you would not see if you were going 90 miles an hour frantically trying to do everything and be everywhere.  Take some time out of your busy life and look for the Savior in all things.  This church is true.  The book of Mormon and the spirit have a converting power un-like anything ever known.  It is so great I love it so much.  I love my Savior and love to serve him everyday.  It is such a blessing.  I love you all back home. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.

P.S Virginia beat BYU HAYO!

Well ya see I was having a really hard time trying to get along with my companion (mostly my fault).  I was able to learn how to really rely on my Savior.  One night last week I was able to kneel down and pray to my Heavenly Father with probably the most sincerity that I have every had.  It was so great.  

No and it's the new 2013 one.  Preferably the ones that have the book of mormon and bible separate from each other.  thanks