Monday, April 14, 2014

Happy Easter

Wow what another great week.  I was able to go on a lot of adventures I even got to cross a state border... We will talk about that latter.  It was so great to be able to see Devin and Arista after there sealing.  They look so happy it made my day to be able to see that:)  It sounds like you had a very busy week, and another one to come.  You guys are going super fast on that house.  You better not run dad into the dirt.  He still needs to be living!  That is so awesome about Devin going to California.  I'm way excited for you all.  Um in the Easter package I don't really know... Elder Unga is in need of a fifty/fifty bottle.  If you could hook him up with that he said that he would pay you back.  Thank you I don't want to be a burden so please let me know if I'm to much.  I am so excited for Easter.  There is a video that has been produced by the Church that is way awesome! The link is  Please share this with all friends and family!!!!!  This is very important that we flood the earth with the knowledge of our Savior who loves all of us.
So this week was another great week.  We have been meeting with this bible study group for another congregation.  We tracted into a member of the congregation who invited us to it and then we were able to find new investigators at the bible study.  They keep inviting us and telling us to come back.  It is so different to hear how other people look at the bible and what they believe.  Another amazing thing that happened was last night we had just got done with a bible study with that other congregation and were going to teach a lesson. We had a member with us and we were super stocked for this lesson. We knocked on her door but she wasn't home so we decided to go to our back up plans. We went to the first guys house but he also wasn't there. Then Elder Unga said, "We have three males we can go teach Susee." She is a single mother. As we taught her she was a little hesitant about the Book of Mormon and wasn't sure if it was for her. Having the member there helped so much. He was able to talk to her about his feelings as he first began meeting with the missionaries but soon came to understand that this message was from God. Members are so important in this work.  I think that it is awesome that Aiden is being baptized into the Episcapal Church it is a great example of his desire to follow Jesus Christ, but we need to get them in contact with missionaries.  Invite them over for dinner while you feed the missionaries slowly introduce them to the true gospel of Jesus Christ.  This church is the true church and it will bring them so much happiness and peace as they learn more about our Savior through the Book of Mormon.  Please be bold in the work of Salvation we must do as D&C 123:13.  We must bring to light all the hidden things of darkness.  I promise that if you will invite them to meet with the missionaries that you will find so much peace and happiness because you are doing what us as members are called to do.  You will find so much joy inviting others to come to Christ.  I know these things to be true I have the blessed opportunity to be able to do this all day every day and no matter what the persons response is, yes it may be rude and hurt only for a second, but then you feel the love of your Savior standing by you and supporting you.  I know these things to be true.  Always be anxiously engaged in a good cause always striving to be about doing the Fathers work here on earth.  I love you and hope that everything is going great.  You are such a blessing in my life to help me become the man that I am today.  I thank you for all that you have given me and all the opportunities that you have given me to grow and develop.  I love you so much.  I know that this church is true and I know that my Savior loves me.  I know with all my heart that the Book of Mormon is the word of God and that it is through the Book of Mormon and all Scripture that our Heavenly Father can lead us and guide us to where and whom we need to become.  I love you so much and I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ,  Amen.  I love you guys have a great week.  I will try to work on scype but it might just be another normal call this time.  O and one other thing.  Our mission is having a mission conference on May 3.  Super excited because David A. Bednar is going to be the presiding authority.  I'm way excited about that!  Well I love you all have a great week.  With all my love from Virginia.

Elder Adams 

P.S about going to another state.  So I was able to go on an exchange with another elder to Franklin West Virginia.  It was sweet.  A whole lot different but sweet!!!

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