Monday, May 12, 2014

Happy Mothers Day

Dear Family,
It was so great to be able to hear from you yesterday.  It sounds like you are all doing very well.  What a fabulous mothers day.  Nothing like a mothers day on a mission.  It really makes you think about all that your mother does for you.  It was such a blessing.  The ward that I am serving had a really cool sacrament.  They had all the mothers that have missionaries out serving speak about there missionaries.  It was such a blessing to see how much my mother cares for me and probably prays everyday.  Thank you so much mom for all the wonderful things that you have done for me.  I promise that I will try to never forget it.  There is a really cool video that came out this week for the church.  It's called, "It was mom".  It was a great video that has a great spirit to it.  I will be sending you something for mothers day/dads b-day/fathers day. Sorry that they have to be all in one thing.  I just don't have a lot of time to do something for all of them.  It was so great to hear from you.
That is really interesting about those waffles they sound amazing!  That is way sweet they look even better from the pictures.  By the way the house is huge!!!  What were you all thinking to build such a massive house!!  Holly cow that is crazy!!  How is the new ward doing?  Have you had the missionaries in your home?  Have you gone out on splits with them and fellowshipped some of there investigators?  I hope everything is going well this week.
This week was a great one but tough one out here on the mission.  We saw many great miracles but much opposition as well.  This week we had one of the most solid investigators that I have taught on my mission call us and tell us that she no longer wanted to be taught.  It was such a hard time, but the Lord was so merciful to us this week.  We were able to find a new couple that at first wasn't very open to learn from the missionaries but they opened up and were very interested in the gospel.  We were also able to see so many great miracles with the investigators that we are teaching with Benita Flowers.  She is doing great!  She loves the gospel and is progressing so much!  It is so great to be able to see her answer all of her question and find the truth in the gospel.  This week has been a great week in Virginia in the Harrisonburg ward.  It has been such a blessing to serve a mission.  Something that I have learned this week is patience and always making sure that we do what we can and then let the Lords plan unravel.  It is so important that we don't get worried and freak out when something doesn't go the way we want it to but instead make sure that we just work harder and do better at what we have been commanded to do.  The Lord is always seeking to help us out if we let him.  If we do what we can correctly and to the best of our abilities then we will find true peace and happiness that is found in the gospel.  I know all these things to be true and I know that my Savior lives and that he loves each and everyone of us.  I know that he is always watching over us and wants us to be able.  I love this work no matter how hard it is it is such a blessing to be in the service of God and I would not trade it for anything in the world.  These last 10 months have flown past and I can't believe that it's almost been a year.  I love my savior and I have learned so much from these past couple of months I love you all so much and I thank my Heavenly Father for such a great family.  It was so great to hear all of you and hear all of your testimonies of gospel truths.  I invite you all to take what you know and build upon it.  Never stop growing in the knowledge of the gospel.  Always make sure that we are constantly preparing for the war between good and evil.  I love you all so much and have a great week.  I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.  I love you so much and thank you for all that you do for me.  I love you mom happy mothers day.  You are the best mom in the whole world.  With all my love from Virginia.

Elder Adams

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