Monday, May 19, 2014

Memorial Day

This week was a great week lots and lots of miracles.  That sounds like you are all having just a ball of a time.  That is so awesome that the yard is ready you will have to show me the pictures of the house when everything is done so then I can see it all.  It is so great to hear from you all and how everything is going.  Thank you so much for writing me it really means a lot.  That is so awesome about what Devin and Arista wrote.  That was probably the sweetest thing that I have ever heard in my life.  Mom it's true though I don't know many mothers that could do what you have done with us three boys.  You have truly changed us into men.  It's apparent how much you have been there for me know that I am on my mission.  You are the greatest mom in the whole world no one could ever top you.  I love you so much mom.  Thank you so much for all that you have done for me.  That is way awesome about dads b-day gift.  See if Def-leppard is in town... hahaha.  How is everything going?  I didn't have a lot of time this p-day so I will have to send you you and dad gift next week.  Sorry I promise that it will most definitely be worth it.  I love you mom.
This week in Harrisonburg was great.  We teach Muslims black and whites and they are the greatest!  We had a Muslim guy show up this week for the 4 week in a row now.  It is so great I love it so much.  The ladies name that we stopped teaching last week was Marie Madden but she is getting baptized this week.   Another great miracle that happened this week was with an investigator that was on date. At the end of last week she was having a very hard time and didn't really want to continue lessons. We let her pray about it for a couple of days and see how she felt. We went and visited monday and asked how she was feeling. She said that she had been having dreams that she can't explain. She said that she had one dream where she was standing on a pathway and felt someone grab her hand and say you are on the pathway to righteousness. Then she looked up and saw a white building. It was so amazing.  So that family that I told you about on mothers day.  Benita Flowers and her four kids.  This week they had some family trials and weren't able to meet with us. We weren't sure how we could help her. Saturday we decided that we would just stop by and see how she was doing. When we started to talk to her she was very calm about the situation and was very eager to meet with us. We then asked her how her Book of Mormon reading had been going and if she had found comfort as she was able to read. She said to us that it had been going very well. She said that as soon as the problem occurred she just opened up the bible and the Book of Mormon and started cross referencing scriptures and seeing how the Bible and the Book of Mormon go hand in hand. It has been such a blessing to be able to teach her.  This work is so great I love it so much.  We are seeing so many miracles in the work of the Lord.  I love it so much.  I would not be anywhere else in the world right now.  I know that this church is true and I know that my Savior Jesus Christ lives and that he loves each and everyone of us.  I know with all my heart that this church is true and that it has been restored by Jesus Christ Himself.  I know for a fact that he is in this work.  There is no way that I could do what I do every day.  I love you so much mom and thank you for all that you do for me.  A commitment that I want to leave with you today is a simple one.  Prepare yourself every week by reading the lesson that you will have in sunday in the teaching of the Prophets book.  There is so many great things in there read and study it and I know that you will learn so much and be able to really receive revelation at church.  I love you and I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.  I love you and hope that you have a great week.  With all my love from Virginia.

Elder Adams

I will have P-day on tuesday next week.

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