Monday, May 5, 2014

Empty Nest

Everything is going great! Sorry that this letter will be super short but we are super busy today.  My companion is getting transferred and we have 13 people leaving our zone so we are trying to get rides for all of the missionaries.  This week has been crazy busy.  It sounds like you are super busy at work again.  I remember this time of year it was always super crazy.  As for the skype you are going to have to e-mail me your skype account and then I can skype you or I might just be able to face time you some how.  If not just a simple call will work as well.  We will probably end up calling you some time around 5 during our dinner.  That is 5 my time not yours.  I'll have to tell you about my bowling trip that I had a couple of months ago.  Thank you so much for your e-mail it has been so great to be able to hear from you no matter how short the e-mail is.  Don't worry about it being a short missionary.  We haven't had to many storms out here.  Just a little bit of rain wind but other than that it wasn't to bad.  This week was awesome we were able to be taught by a Apostle, Elder Bednar, this week and he had the presiding bishop of the church and a seventy with him.  Holly cow it was so amazing by far the coolest experience of my life.  The spirit was so strong.  Elder Unga and I also had a miracle to go along with that right after. As Elder Unga and I were riding home from the meeting and we were talking about how we want to improve as missionaries and become more Preach my Gospel missionaries. Both of us wanted to try to learn how to teach like him. Sunday morning we had a meeting with a lady that has been so prepared from the start. We had given her homework and asked her to prepare for next week. When we sat down and began to teach with her we began with a solid how to begin teaching that brought the spirit and established our purpose. We then began to ask her about her reading. Instead of just hearing what she read and then teaching her the lesson we planned we tied it all together. The spirit was so strong there it was so amazing. She understood that her church was missing pieces from the gospel of Jesus Christ and that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints had those missing pieces. It was such a blessing to be able to see how the spirit taught everyone who was in attendance. By the end of the lesson she was crying and knew that she absolutely needed to be baptized into the Church she is now set for June 7. It was such an amazing spirit and lesson. I know that it came straight from our Heavenly Father Elder Unga and I didn't say a word.  It was so amazing.  I invite you all this week when you do your scripture reading or even as you are reading over the conference talks to always look to answer two questions.  What do I learn? and What stands out to me?  It is such an amazing process that helps you understand what the Lord needs you to know at that time.  I know that this church is true and I know that my Savior Jesus Christ lives and that he loves each and everyone of us.  I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God and that we can draw closer to God by reading this book than by any other book.  I love you so much and thank you for all that you have done for me.  I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.  Thank you so much I will talk to you on Sunday.  Love you all.  Mwah Hugs and kisses.  With all my love from Virginia.

Elder Adams

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