Monday, June 2, 2014

Schools Out!

How are you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This week was a very busy week but it was such a great week and I was able to learn so much about how to be a better disciple of Jesus Christ.  It sounds like your week has been great.  You are so busy with all those books.  That is so crazy!  You must be working a lot that is so crazy.  Dang Riverton must have been crazy good that is so awesome.  It's crazy to think that just a year ago I was in High School playing soccer and now I'm across the country teaching the Gospel to the people of Virginia.  Life moves so quickly it's crazy to look back on the past and see how it seems like it was just yesterday.  Yesterday after church we had a linger longer and we were talking to some members.  They were talking about how there kids have been sending just random texts to them about the memories of their childhood.  It really made me think about all the fun things that we would do when the brothers where gone at school and you and I would play games or you'd do, "this little piggy."  It's crazy to think about the past.  I will forever cherish those days and memories that I have as a child.  Thank you so much for being an amazing mom and dad.  I love you both so much.  Following up on last week e-mail.  Have you been able to start a Journal?  What did you decide to do?  I know that writing in your journal is such a blessing and that it will help you relax as well as remember the things of the past.  Brother Fankie is an amazing guy.  He is so dedicated to the gospel.  He loves the missionaries that's for sure.  He is awesome.  That is way awesome that you are able to go to the temple.  That is probably one of the hardest things about the mission is not being able to attend the temple.  I wish I could.  I love the feeling that you get there.  The temple is such a blessing in our lives as Latter-day Saints.  
This week was a great week in Harrisonburg.  I loved this work so much it was such a blessing to be able to be the service of our Heavenly Father this week.We were able to see the miracle of a family that has been waiting three years to have there kid baptized but couldn't because the ex-wife of the father would not give permission. On Monday the father asked the daughter if she still wanted to be baptized and she said yes but mom wouldn't let her. The father decided to call the mother and she said, "If it means that much to her than she can be baptized." The spirit was so strong at the baptism it was the most amazing feeling in the world. It was such an amazing week.
So I'm not sure if you remember but in my last area there was a kid by the name of Brian Shamala.  I got a call last night from the missionaries that are serving there that told me that he is being baptized this week.  It is such a blessing to be able to see people accepting the gospel and following our Savior Jesus Christ.  The feelings that you get when you are able to see people make covenants with our Heavenly Father is beyond anything that I can describe.  Even helping less-actives is such a blessing we were able to teach a man yesterday that has had a problem with drugs but wants to get active in the church.  We were able to give him a blessing yesterday and the spirit was so strong.  I love this gospel so much.
This week we were able to attend a whole lot of meetings as well.  I learned a lot about myself and about love in the gospel of Jesus Christ.  It is so important that we strip ourselves of all pride if we want to become a disciple of Christ.  I invite you to study love and the Christ like attribute of Charity.  I would be interested in hearing what you learned.   I know that love is essential.  It is the great motivator.  It is the purifier it is the hallmark of discipleship.  I know that our Savior Jesus Christ had the most pure love.  He didn't care one bit about what he wanted but only wanted to please the father.  I know that he loves us and cares for us.  I love my Savior so much and I love that work that he has me doing.  It is such an amazing blessing to be able to be an instrument in the lords hands.  I love my Savior.  I know that this Church is true.  I know that my Savior Jesus Chirst lives and loves each and everyone of us.  I know that the Book of Mormon is true and I know that if we read it daily the power that comes from it's pages is un-imaginable.  I love this gospel so much and I love you thank you for all that you do.  You are doing more than enough for me.  Sorry about spending a lot of money these past couple of weeks.  I will stop spending money.  I love you and hope that you have a great week.  Know that I love you.  With all my love from Virginia hugs and kisses.

Elder Adams

P.S- Have you sent the missionaries the info to the missionaries in California to go visit andy?  Just type it into Mormon.Org.  I love you so much.  How are your studies going? are you studying PMG?  Have a great week. Love you.

It was so great the spirit was so strong.  She was so prepared to be baptized.
Her father. 
I will send it.  Love you gotta go.  MWAH

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