Tuesday, January 20, 2015

MLK Holiday

Hey I'm on.
No I do not.  It's just like Josh's just use his picture.
I can't upload the pictures on the phone to the computer.  and I only have one pair of black shoes the other one is brown.
The only problem is I don't have the shoes with me today they are in the apartment.  Some of the wear is manufacture defect but the rest is just normal.
you did.  I just didn't know that I had to send you a picture.  It's find though.  The holes don't make my socks wet so it's all good.  Don't worry about it.  My other shoes are still nice sense for the first half of my mission I didn't use them except for meetings.
Library.  the apartment that I live in now doesn't have computers we were always going to other Elders apartments.
It's Black and I can try but I'm not sure.

Wow that sounds like you have had a pretty crazy week.  I had an amazing week and I wish that I could write you all about it but I have a few assignments that I need you to do.

1. I need you to find out what I need to do to apply to BYU Provo.
2. Figure out what it's going to take to get into the ROTC-Airforce program at BYU.

The reason for this is because this week was stake conference.  As I was sitting there in the Sunday Morning session I was listening to Elder Gay.  Awesome speaker.  He was talking about how life is never easy and that we must act on the promptings and feelings that we receive.  As long as we do it the Lord's way we are promised to be blessed.  The only reason that I have been shying away from the military is because I haven't trusted in God enough.  I have let my own desires take place of God's.  If you will do these things please let me know.  Thank you!!!
The work here in Quantico is going amazing and there are miracles around every corner. Elder Holloway and I have been so blessed especially this week. We had stake conference as you know and we were invited to go and do visits with President Oryang on Saturday morning. It was the most spiritual experience to be able to go around and visit people with a member of the Stake Presidency. When we got done with our visits we were able to go and sit down with Elder Gay and all the stake presidency and talk about the experience. We talked about a lot of things that were very profound but the things that Elder Gay shared have forever changed the way that I will do missionary work. He talked about the first vision, how before Joseph Smith ever received an answer he was first tempted by Satan. That is the first lesson, that Satan is a real being. As soon as you know that God lives you also know that Satan is real. The next lesson was Joseph was in a moment of alarm. He helped us understand that every person that we talk to member, non-member, Less-active, Recent convert, etc. They all have an alarm going off in their minds. WE MUST FIND THE ALARM!!!!! We are the only ones that are on this earth that can deliver them from the alarm. Now I know that this is a pretty standard understanding of Missionary work but the way that Elder Gay explained it changed the way that I talk to everyone from now on. It's no longer about how can I get my message across it's all about, what is their alarm and what doctrine do they need. I love this gospel so much and I love my Savior with all my heart. He lives if there is anything that I know with out a shadow of a doubt is that God lives and loves his children. He is mindful of every single one of his children. We may feel at times that he is not close or that he doesn't care, but that is completely and utterly false. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.   I love you so much and thank you for all that you do for me.  You are the best mom ever.  Don't worry about me and how long I have had holes in my shoes.  It's not that bad.  I would do anything for Christ.  He walked the dusty roads, taught the people, was mocked, spit upon, bled from every pour, and died for me.  He gave his life for me.  I hope to be able to serve him and the Father with enough zeal and obedience that I will stand worthy of this gift that was freely given to me.  Thank you for all that you do.  I hope that your week goes great.  I love you with all my heart!!!!  With all my love from Virginia.

Elder Adams

Mom I can't tell you how long they've had holes because you might beat me....
P.S from my letter I know that my mission is coming to a close and that I've been out for a long time.  Please don't remind me.  I really don't want to even think about it.  Thank you love you!
It's been like a good year or so....
ok sounds good.  Well I got to go hope you have a good day and week.  I love you so much and hope everything goes grand.  MWAH!!! I love you.

Hope these work thanks.

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