Monday, April 13, 2015

Compass on Campus

Hey I'm on
I got it
hahaha O mom don't feel like that you will always be my mom.
hahaha forever and always:)  Your e-mail was really good.  What can I do to help devin?
Will you also call UVU and see when the latest it is that I could sign up for classes is?
Why did our Heavenly Father have to Sacrifice his perfect Sons life to save all our souls that were sinful?
I think that is a great idea.  I will be more than happy to do that.  Just remind me please.
that is sweet!!! hahahahaha You two are something else.  What is arista's e-mail?
Got it thanks!!!!

Well it sounds like everything is going pretty good at home.  It sounds like everything is picking up too.  Everyone is leaving for the summer and it's just you and Papa now.  I'm glad that everything went well with your operation.  That is always good.  Also the Jesus the Christ reading is going pretty well.  I'm almost half way through it.  Thanks for following up on that.  Look at you already becoming a missionary.  When are you and Dad going to go on your mission?  Have you started planning that?  Honestly Senior missionaries are the greatest and the biggest help especially in the office but you should probably do a full proselyting mission.  My address is 3705 Monument Ave. Richmond VA, 23230
I have been praying about extending my mission and I have no idea what my final plan is.  I will take your advice to the Lord tonight and hopefully I will come up with something.  The decision has to be made soon though.
This week was a great week we were able to see Omar Andrade baptized this week.  He was so prepared.  The spirit at his baptism was amazing.  We had it Tuesday night right after transfer meeting and the day before my companion went home.  I am no longer companions with Elder Thomas.  Elder Olsen is my new companion.  He is a way sweet missionary and I am way excited to be able to serve with him.  It is going to be a blast.  We had a very interesting night the other night. As we were driving into our area we were talking about faith and having the faith to find. We then set a goal that we were going to find a solid person that wanted to be baptized. The first person we talked to wanted to have a lesson. Then we got done with that one we stand up and talk to another person and they want to have a lesson. Then we stand up again and bam another person wants to have a lesson. It was a young lady that had had a pretty hard day. She didn't believe in God or really know how she could find out that there is one. We talked to her for a while and by the end of it she was very open to finding out if there was a God. It was so amazing to be able to see how eager she was to learn about God, all it takes is us sharing information and promising blessings. It was one of the most fun lessons that I have taught on my mission because me and my companion were teaching in unity and she was eating up everything we said. I know that the Spirit plays an active role in every day life with member or non-member. I know that it is by the spirit that we are able to be instruments in the hand of the Lord and that this work is able to move forward. I know with all my heart that He lives and that His atonement is a real tangible power. I know with all my heart that these things are true and I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
I love you and just encourage you to keep your head up both you and Dad.  I love you both so much.  You have done everything for me.  I feel like I was given the greatest parents in the whole world.  You helped me to see the importance of obedience and doing things the right way the first time and then not having to do them over again.  You helped me understand the importance of doing what is right no matter what opposition I faced.  You taught me to fight and work for what I wanted in life and to not just role over and play dead.  The greatest thing that you have taught me is the importance of being me and loving it.  I love you so very much.  You have done so much for and know that I pray for you.  I hope that everything is going great and please don't get to old before I get home.  We still have a lot of great memories to make as a family like all 7 of us sitting in the celestial room together looking at each other and knowing that we are in the house of God.  I love you so much and hope you have a great week.  With all my love from Virginia.

Elder Adams

Say what?
It's at this place called the compass on campus.  It's literally where thousands of students walk through on a daily bases.  We just post up there and talk to everyone.
Well I got to go.  I love you so much I hope that you have a great week.  You are the best.  With all my love.

Elder Adams

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