Monday, May 4, 2015


Hey I'm on didn't get an e-mail from you.
Sweet!  Thanks!!!
wow sounds like a week.....
Of course because idle hands are the devils work shop...

Well this week was a great week!  We were able to see a lot of miracles.  It sounds like everything has been super busy with all the kids leaving for summer sales and then Josh going off to school.  That's exciting though.  It sounds like you are really keeping yourself super busy.  Especially so busy that you don't even think about me calling hahaha.  Good for you!  We will be skyping and not really sure when we will be calling you..... probably around 5 or 6 o'clock my time.
This week has been super busy.  Elder Olsen and I have been doing these things called zone work shops for the past two weeks.  It's where we go and give a training to every zone in the mission on the same topic.  We both did a team training on the Book of Mormon and how to effectively present it to our investigators.  It's been really fun and I've really been able to learn a lot about managing time.  We have been working with a lot of great people.  We are actually teaching a Muslim guy that is super interested in joining the church.  It's been really cool.  We were also able to  see a really cool miracle with the Book of Mormon this week.  It's so amazing to see how this one book applies to everyone and really helps them see how the gospel can and will effect them in their life.  The miracle was these two guys that we met this past week. We were on the compass talking to everyone and we started talking to these two guys. At first both of them weren't interested. We started talking about the Book of Mormon and presenting it the new way. Helping them see how the first 12 verses really apply to them. The one guy was loving it. Then we started reading the first chapter. As we read the first verse at first he didn't understand it. Then he began to learn by faith. He started to just talk and try to voice what he thought it might be saying. He pulled out a perfect principle that applied to him perfectly. Then we jumped to the 5th verse. As he read he loved it and say that he really should start praying. We then kept doing this through out the chapter. Then we came to verse 20 of first Nephi. He read it and said, "If I change my life people won't like me.... but if I believe in God he will help me and deliver me from all the hard stuff." The spirit was so strong in that lesson he was right on! I love the Book of Mormon with all my heart. I know that it is the only way to understand the Gospel of Jesus Christ and that we can truly come to know that Jesus is the Christ as we read it. I know with all my heart that he lives and loves each and everyone of us. I love my Savior. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
I love you so much and hope that you have a great week.  I will talk to you on Sunday.  I just want to let you know how grateful I am for you all.  How blessed I feel to be able to have a supportive family.  I am not excited to end my mission but I am excited about the one dream that I do have, that is to be able to go to the temple with all of the Family.  I know that this gospel does bless families and that He is always there for us.  I love my Savior.  I love you!  Have a great week.  With all my love from Virginia.

Elder Adams

so true that's why you have to read the talk by elder Bednar about your spiritual load and make sure that it is not killing you but making you better.
hahaha ok sounds good!
hahaha DONE!!!
I don't care.  Maybe it will have to be a thing that we do when we are all closer together.  I don't want it to be a financial burden.
I got to go.  I love you and hope you have a great week!  MWAH!! LOVE YOU!!! WIth all my love from Virginia.

Elder Adams

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