Monday, July 6, 2015

Hope All is Well

Hey I'm on.
Hey I'm on I didn't get your e-mail.  Love ya.

This week was a great week.  It sounds like you are having a really
fun week... Didn't even get to hear from you.  I am glad that you are
having a blast in California!  Thanks for the talk last week.  These
next few weeks are going to be super great.  President Wilson wants me
to go on some exchanges almost every week.  It will be a lot of fun to
be able to be with the missionaries.  It definitely will keep me super
busy that's for sure.
So you asked me what you can do to help me with adjusting. I will send
you a rough draft of my goals and I want you and dad to look over them
this week and tell me what you think of them.  Let me really know if
there are things that I could do better or what.  That would be a huge
help to me.
I hope that you have a great week!  I love you so much and you mean
the world to me.  This morning I had a really cool study on the
priesthood.  The power that God has allowed us to use here on this
earth is amazing.  An senior Elder in our mission said this, "When we
look back on our lives and we see everything that happened we will ask
ourselves, why didn't I use the priesthood more."  I think that is so
true we need to use that power as much a possible.  Towards the end of
my study I got a little more into the temple and priesthood and how
they are connected.  Do we understand the importance and significance
of these two things?  How often do we attend the temple and ponder on
the blessings and promises that are we are given and we take upon us?
I know that when we make the temple the center of our lives we are
endowed with a power from on high and we become His true disciples
moving his work forward and building his kingdom.
There is nothing greater than doing the work of the Lord. Yesterday we
were out with a member so Elder Walton and I were contacting and Elder
Wray went with the member. It was pouring rain and humid. We were
contacting this guy and a thought came to me of nothing but sheer
gratitude of being able to be on a mission. There is nothing greater
than serving the Lord and building up his kingdom. Love this work to
death! The miracle that I want to share with you today is about this
young lady that we contacted last night. We were walking around a not
a lot of people were out. We were walking down this street and we saw
a girl way off in the distance. We started to talk to her and at first
she seemed really interested but then started to ask a lot of
anti-questions. We tried to explain to her the reason for some things
in our church. Instead of continuing to try to prove to her we decided
to just bare our testimony of the Book of Mormon, of Joseph Smith, and
of Jesus Christ. It was so amazing to be able to see her countenance
change. Instead of trying to take our religion down you could see her
understand and see the value that is in it. I know that the power of a
testimony changes people's hearts. I know with all my heart that the
Book of Mormon is true. I know that Jesus is the Christ and I know
that Joseph Smith was a prophet. I know that this church is true and I
say these things in the name of Jesus Christ amen.

With all my love from Virginia
Elder Adams

I'm on now

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