Monday, December 9, 2013

Winter Storm

Ok sounds good.  The reason why I didn't but the Ukulele last week was because the music store didn't have one so they are ordering one.  It's going to be about $50.  Is that ok?
um could be today or sometime this week.
ok sounds good.  How's everything going with you?
dang that's crazy could you send me a picture of the family just Via e-mail?
Can you get me that picture?
doesn't matter just one that has all five of us in it.
Hello???? Can you get me that picture.  It doesn't matter how old it is.
that would be best

This week has been a tad bit weird weather wise.  We had 70 degrees all week until Saturday night and all of Sunday.  We had a winter storm come through this week and it was so funny you would have thought that the world was going to end.  Man everyone was freaking out.  They even canceled church and told us missionaries that if we were to go anywhere we needed to get a ride from a member.  I thought is was going to be some crazy storm and that I might actually get to see some snow... Not even close.  All it did was rain all day and get about 30 degrees.  I haven't really had to use my P-coat yet only to meeting and stuff.  Riding a bike keeps you pretty warm so all I wear is a long sleeve shirt, my waterproof jacket, some gloves, and my ear muffs.  It's really not to bad.  That's way sweet about the house it seems like it's moving along pretty quick.  That is so cool.  You guys will have to send me pictures of the inside when it's all done and you are all moved in.  That sounds great for what you plan to do with Mylee.  We were not able to watch the first presidency message because they canceled the watching of it out here due to weather.  It's pretty crazy.
We saw a lot of miracles in the area of Swift Creek this week.  It has been such a blessing to be on the Lords errand for the past five months.  We received a headquarters referral this week for a guy named Thadius and his fience Karin.  He had received a Book of Mormon from one of his friends and had began to read it but then he got fired from his job and accidentally left it at his job.  We were able to teach him the restoration on Thursday.  As we were teaching him we talked about how this gospel is going to bless him and his wife's marriage.  He then turned to her and said, "Wow doesn't this sound great sweetheart?"  The spirit was so strong in that room it was amazing.  We are meeting with them again tonight to teach them some more and hopefully set them for baptism.  The work out here is awesome.  It sometimes gets hard and discouraging but there is so much joy at the same time it is amazing.  I have learned a lot this week about myself.  I have realized that to many times I get caught up in routines and doing the same thing over and over again because I feel that it works.  I have made a new challenge to myself and I issue this to you guys to.  Stop living life as a robot and start loving life as a disciple of Christ.  We have the greatest message here on this earth.  We have been blessed with the opportunity to be first hand witnesses of the greatest work in the world.  The reason why I share this with you is because to many times it seems like we don't give enough gratitude to our Heavenly Father.  I love this work it is such an amazing blessing to be out here and to be serving the Lord.  I thank my Heavenly Father every day for being able to have been raised in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  It is such a blessing to have the restored truth in my life to help me everyday accomplish the task that my Heavenly Father has for me and to fight against Satan.  Don't get discouraged when the battle gets tough or when we think that the task is to hard but rather look more to our Savior.  That is the purpose of all  our trials.  We can either choose misery or happiness.  Never ever get discouraged or think that you are alone.  We should be having a baptism this week for a young African American kid named Ej Shaw.  He's having a few doubts right now but we are praying and hoping that he will gain a testimony of this truth and choose to be baptized into this gospel.  I know that this church is true and I know that our Heavenly Father loves each and every one of us.  I know that our Savior lives with out a doubt.  I know that I am doing the Lords will by coming out here and choosing to serve him for two years.  I know this with all my heart and I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.  I hope that you are having a Merry Christmas Season.  I received your package in the mail this week thank you so much for everything!  Be looking for a package from me I will be sending a family Christmas present this year that I hope you all will be able to enjoy.  I love you all so very much and know that you are in my prayers.  Have a great week and I will talk to you all next week.  Hugs and kisses from Virginia with lot of Love.

Elder Adams

Well I got to go just try to get me that picture next week.  Thank you so much I love you Have a great week.  Talk to you next week.

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