Monday, July 7, 2014


The fourth of July was great.  We were able to have a baptism and to teach a couple of people and prepare them for their baptismal day.  It was such a blessing to be able to receive a package from you.  Thank you so much for all of those things they were great.  I'm not sure what I'm going to do with the fireworks...but Elder Fuhriman and I will find something. Elder Hill was my companion after Elder McConnell.  That is way sweet to hear all about the member missionary work.  Now we just got to get Andy to be baptized.  That will be a great day.  Sorry about all the expenses last month.  I just haven't done my best with budgeting in this area.  I promise I will do better. 
This week was great we were able to see three people that we have been working with baptized and confirmed.  It was amazing Banita had one of her daughters baptized.  Her name is Aszure.  She was so prepared.  It was amazing to see how quick she gained a testimony.  Banita was so happy.  She is so excited to be able to see all of her family soon make the step that she made into the waters of baptism.  Another great person that was baptized this week was Lamont Robinson.  He is so amazing.  We tracked into him almost a month ago and he was prepared right from the beginning.  He had said that he had seen missionaries walk around all the time and that he knew that he needed to talk to them but he didn't know why.  Then when he saw us knocking on his door he knew that it was time.  We taught him and he was so excited to be baptized this week.  It was such a blessing to see the change that occurred as he has accepted the Gospel of Jesus Christ into his life.  There is nothing better than to see how much the Lord loves his children in this work.  He is constantly wanting to bless his children with the knowledge of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  I love this work so much it is such a great blessing.  Elder Fuhriman and I have been so blessed these past couple of weeks as we have been able to find so many people prepared to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ it has been amazing.
This past week was a blessing for me in my studies.  I was able to come to a great knowledge and understanding of what it means to be a child of God.  It is absolutely amazing to think about this concept.  When you think about it the most all powerful and perfect being is your father.  He created  you and you have the ability to become like him.  That is so amazing.  We are truly children of our Heavenly Father.  I know that this church is true.  I know that when we understand that we are Children of God anything becomes possible to us.  We no longer have to be captive to Satan and his passions but we can push aside all sin and become triumphant over him.  I know that it is only through the Enabling power of the Atonement that we can do this that because our Heavenly Father loves us he sent his son so that we can become like him. I know all these things to be true and I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.  I love you so much and hope that you have a great week.  Thank you so much for all that you do for me.  I love you with all my heart and I send all my love from Virginia.

Elder Adams

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