Monday, September 8, 2014

Happy Birthday!

hey I'm on.  What about you?
sweet how are you?  I only got the labor day part.
I don't have that one.....

This week was crazy!!! It was filled with a whole lot of meetings...  We had to drive down to Richmond Tuesday we had just a zl meeting and then stayed the night at the mission home to then wake up and go to another meeting on wednesday and then we had to have a zone meeting on friday.  It was crazy but a lot of fun.  Probably on of the craziest things that I did this week was I had to give a training at the meeting with all the ZL's that was super scary... I don't think I've ever been so nervous in my whole life.  All of these missionaries are spiritual giants and the Lord wanted me to speak to them.  The Lord definitely put his words in my mouth I know that for a fact.  I love my Savior Jesus Christ with all my heart.  There is no doubt in my mind that he is always with me and always there for me.  There are so many times on my mission where I have no idea what to say, do, or where to go and the Lord simply takes me by the hand and leads me to those words or place that need me.  It is such a blessing to be in the service of God.  There is no feeling that is better than this it is absolutely amazing!!!  It sounds like you all had a really fun weekend.  It is always so great to be able to hear from you and to feel of your love for the Savior and the support that you give me.  Thank you so much for the prayers in my behalf it really does mean a lot and those prayers do not go unnoticed.  I love you so much.  It's crazy here in Cville right now.  I feel like I'm in Sodom and Gamora with all the sin that occurs with the college students.  That just means that the Gospel is exactly what they need!!!  We are teaching this muslim that doesn't really have a knowledge of Christianity at all.  It was interesting to explain to him how important Jesus Christ is and was.  He said something very profound, he said,"So if Jesus Christ hadn't come to this earth and died for us we would be doomed."  I know that Jesus Christ is the center point of this plan if he hand not come and done what he did we could not do anything.  Everything is through Him.  I love my Savior with all my heart.  Today my studies were on how we can cleanse the inner vessel.  One of the most powerful scriptures that I found was Rom 12:1-3.  I thought this was interesting that we must sacrifice our lives for Him.  I know that when we do this this is the only surrender that is a victory.  The gospel is just so great and powerful it is truly amazing!!!!!  I love you so much and hope that you have a great day!  I hope that you have a great B-day this week and that you do something fun for it.  I love you and pray for you!  With all my love from Virginia.

Elder Adams

P.S- Got the shoes! They are sick!!!!!  Thank you!  and I also got you one package and Devin and Arista's Package and Grandma sent me a card.  Thank you so much!  It is such a blessing to be able to fell the support of a loving family!!!  If there is anything that I can do for you let me know.  I would love you help you out in anyway.

I got to get going soon... I still didn't get your e-mail..

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