Monday, September 15, 2014


Hello!  This week has been such a great week!  Full of so much fun and miracles here in the C'ville area.  I love this work so much it is such a blessing to be able to be in the service of God!  That's funny about that birthday message on Facebook that was a girl in my High School Astronomy class.  To be completely honest I payed attention in that class.  Anyway how is everything going with you?  How was your week?  We had a lot of miracles this week.  One was a very humbling experience for me.  We met this guy named Khalil.  He is a very nice guy.  I love him to death.  He called us one day and said that he wanted to meet some new friends and that he wanted to come to church.  We got in touch with him and met him at the church.  I'm not sure how to describe him without seeming rude.  He is a little slow of speech and has some handicaps, he's kind of like Radio...  I don't think though that I have ever felt the love for someone like I have Khalil.  He is truly a child of our Father in Heaven.  Our Heavenly Father wants us to help him find happiness and peace in this life.  It was humbling for me simply because it made me realize how much our Heavenly Father loves us no matter what and how much he wants us to find peace and joy in this life.  I know that my Savior Jesus Christ lives and that he loves him as well.  Khalil is just an amazing person.  Another really cool miracle happened yesterday at church.  Her name is Hailey.  She came to church yesterday because she saw the Mandarin missionaries on campus and her boy friend was going on a mission. After church we sat down and started to talk with her. We talked with her about her family and what her religious beliefs were. She didn't really have any but her boy friend was such a great example of dedicated service that she wanted to know why. Before she came of school she read the Book of Mormon in a couple of days and gained a knowledge of Jesus Christ as the Savior and redeemer of the word and she new that it was true. The best part is she wanted to know what the next step was! Of course by now my mind is blown by how much our Heavenly Father knows and loves his children.
My studies recently have been on the agency of man and cleansing the inner vessel.  This is a very interesting concept about how our Savior Jesus Christ works with his children.  He never forces us to do anything but he always entices us to be better to clean ourselves a little more.  The world often times tries to make us think that we have to work from the outside in and change our outside character before we can ever get close to even being close to changing our character.  The Lord always in scriptures wants people to change from the inside out.  He is constantly pleading for us to write things on our heart and to cleanse the inner vessel. (Alma 60:23-24; Proverbs 3:3)  I've been thinking about this truth of writing things on our heart.  I think that this is why all the great Book of Mormon heroes were so great, especially Captain Moroni.  In Alma 46 were he creates the title of liberty he takes his covenants and inscribes them on his heart and he decides that he would rather die for his covenants that live and break them.  I invite us all to think about where we are on the covenant path.  Are we preparing weekly for the Sacrament? Are we attending the temple regularly?  How is our Relationship with our Savior and with our fellow man?  I know that if we truly want to cleanse the inner vessel we've got to do person self checks.  I know that if we take a moment of our day to do a self check in humble prayer to our Heavenly Father that true cleansing will take place and we will lay hold of the Atonement of Christ and that will be sweeter than we have ever before tasted.  I know that my Savior lives and that he is eager to clean out our closets if we will let him.  I know with all my heart the Book of Mormon is the word of God and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is Gods church here on this earth.  I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.  I love you and hope you have a great week!  With all my love from Virginia.

Elder Adams

I'm not sure what to do on the house.  I would say that try to go with the counter and just wait it out.
I did get my package by the way.  It was great thank you so much!!!  The pajamas are probably my favorite thing. They are the best!!!  I'm going to make my cake soon we've gotta find vegetable oil...  But yes I had a great b-day we went to a place called boylan Heights.  It's a burger place here in C'ville that's way good!!!
Wait for to see if they take it but then if not I would say just sell it to them for the price they want.  You've gotta get that thing off your hands before you loose it all.
Well I gotta get going.  It was great talking to you!  Have a great week.  I love you and hope that you have a great week!!! much love from Virginia!!!!!
No just a guesser.  that's hopes to maybe be right.

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