Monday, February 2, 2015

Scholarship Link

Hey I'm on I didn't get anything from you....
Awesome sounds good.
did you send it?
Yes I did get it.
to me that looks like I can't apply to get that scholarship until Dec of next year right?
ok or what I could do is when I come home go to UVU for fall semester.  Get a good reputation in college then apply to the Air force so that I would have a better chance at getting a scholarship.
But still talk to BYU and see what's up.
HEY!!!!!  but still talk to BYU and see what's up.
OOOOOO Thank you mommy you are d best!!!!!

Well it sound like you had a pretty eventful week this week.  I'm sorry that the struggles of life are getting to you.  The best thing that I can tell you is keep your head up and keep trudging away.  There are so many times while I am out here on my mission that are hard.  You see people that don't wan't to be baptized or that don't understand the importance of the message that you are saying so they shut the door.  They just don't understand they don't see eye to eye.  It's a fact of this world we came into this world understanding agency understand that we would all have our own thoughts our own bias and that things would get tough but we did it anyway.  It was the only way that we could become like our Heavenly Father.   This is the only way that we can sacrifice the self centered natural man and seek the Lords will.  How to do that?  I do not know.  It's something that I am trying to work on every day out here on my mission.  Every day we must find truth we must take the Holy Spirit as our guide and do the best that we can and when we stumble and fall we've got to learn to pick ourselves back up and no longer focus on ourselves that's why Peter began to sink in Mat 14 it's because he no longer focused on Christ but he focused on himself.  I know that our Savior loves us and that he is eager to help us out, he understands that we are imperfect all he asks us is that we are perfect at trying to be the best that we can be.  Don't worry mom everything will work its self out I know that.  Look back on what our Family has been through in the past.  We have been through a lot together and the one line that you always said is, "I will not let Satan win this one."  We can't let him win anyone.  We must act and do all we can so what if we fall.  Get back up and keep fighting.  I know that my Savior Jesus Christ lives and I know that even when it seems that we have no way to turn or no one to help us there is always a way and there is always someone.  He LIVES he is alive in each and everyone of our lives if we will just let him.  He will change us and help us to become who we need to become.  True faith in Jesus Christ begins when we let go of the outcome and say, "I don't care what I have to go through but I will do anything the Father needs me to do."  The plan of the gospel is for us to loose to the Fathers will so that we can win in Eternity.  It is only the will of God that will bring true happiness.  I know those things to be true.  I love you and I know that he knows you and he knows your concerns.  I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

I did get those shoes thank you so much.  They are working great!  Sorry that I'm a little ditsy sometimes next time I won't be that way.  This week was a great week of missionary work.  We met a really sweet guy he's from Searleon Africa.  We were walking out of this apartment complex after getting turned down by everyone and we saw a guy walking.  I yelled to him and asked him if he wanted to hear a message about Christ and his restored gospel.  He turned around and said sure.  We walked with him to the store he got what he needed and then we went back to his house and taught him about the Restoration.  He's a muslem but he said that if God told him to follow Jesus Christ and be baptized that he would.  God is always placing prepared people in our path it is amazing.  I know this work is the work of God and that he is active in our lives and I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.  I love you and hope that you have a great week.  I know that our Father in Heaven is watching over you.  Don't worry and be happy.  With all my love from Virginia.

Elder Adams

Well I got to go.  Have a great week.  I love you and know that you are the best mom in the whole world.  Don't get down!! Be happy!! I love you.  MWAH.

Elder Adams

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